This is the first blog post here. If you're reading this... I thank you kindly.
This is that blog post that is announcing the presence of the blog. The blog has been born. I intend to review horror films and novels. In addition, I hope to share author interviews to promote the latest talent of the growing horror industry. I hope to include my own ruminations on the nature of horror itself, and in addition, I will share the musings of my subconscious.
I live in Michigan, and I happen to love our unpredictable weather patterns. I live with my wife, Lindsay, and Cecelia, our daughter who is nineteen months old. We're expecting our second daughter, Lydia, at the end of January.
By now, I'm sure you know I've written two zombie novels. The most recent release is Nightmare of the Dead from Severed Press. The novel takes place during the Civil War and involves an amnesiac outlaw who must eventually confront....zombies, of course. Check it out here:
As much as I love to talk about myself, I will end this by promising you that I will do whatever I can to post topics that are interesting and relevant. Otherwise, what's the point?
If you're an author interested in an interview, or maybe even a review, contact me via email. I will advertise your appearance here on Facebook, and I will drop several Twitterbombs.
If you're an author interested in an interview, or maybe even a review, contact me via email. I will advertise your appearance here on Facebook, and I will drop several Twitterbombs.
And now, the chamber of horrors opens its doors....
Welcome to the blogosphere!